Wood Chisels. Fashioned in Central Europe, specifically Czech Republic, this Chisel set is known for its unrivaled quality. Paring chisels have longer, thin blades, are primarily used with only hand pressure, and are used for the fine fitting of joinery.
Our selection of wood carving tools includes chisels, gouges and knives for both beginner and experienced carvers, whether you're sculpting in the round, carving fine details, or just whittling for fun.
Woodworking chisels range from small hand tools for tiny details, to large chisels used to remove big sections of wood, in 'roughing out' the shape of a pattern or design.
Paring chisels have longer, thin blades, are primarily used with only hand pressure, and are used for the fine fitting of joinery. Bench chisels are considered the most universal chisel and can accomplish most woodworking tasks. Suitable for both commercial and domestic users, accurately-sharpened heads ensure chisels can be used with precision.