Porter Cable Biscuit Joiner. The Porter Cable biscuit joiner has been in the industry for quite some time and therefore boasts of several product line ups to choose from. Everything about this biscuit joiner's construction is made from high quality durable metal so it will literally virtually never break.

Whether you're a professional or hobbyist, you'll appreciate the versatile fence and efficient design.
If you have any questions relative to its application DO NOT use the product until you have written Porter-Cable and we have advised you.
Buy Biscuit/Plate Jointers and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Apart from the traditional wood sharpeners and drillers, plate joiner kits have come to make the whole task. Biscuit joiner - a funny name for a seriously imperative tool for your woodworking needs, especially when it comes to fencing jobs.