Onefinity Woodworker. The Onefinity Woodworker is a relatively new product, but it is already a popular machine amongst hobbyists. In this video we will compare the Onefinity Woodworker vs. the Inventables X-carve.
I'll go over the pros and cons of each machine and hopefully help you decide which CNC is right for you! I'll go over the pros and cons of each machine and hopefully help you dec. Don't let the name fool you - it's still perfectly capable of doing plastics, foam, brass, aluminum and more! "Machinist" - The Machinist is for those who are interested in mainly cutting with smaller stock materials.
The parts come pre-assembled and putting them together is very easy when you follow the instructions in the manual provided.
From their website it looks like it runs a Buildbotics controller and I don't think that is GRBL based.
The Onefinity Woodworker is a relatively new product, but it is already a popular machine amongst hobbyists. In this video we assemble the 'woodworker' edition, but these same steps will apply to the 'machinist' ed. I have included spoilboard files from cyberreefguru on the OneFinity Forum and dragchain files from MuddyFeet.